
Come on, seriously? You have to spotlight the GameKlip! I use a PS3 controller on my Evo 4G LTE and play SNES roms all freaking day long

One time, I went to a kmart in the wrong neighborhood. I make mistakes. Kmarts aren't the place to get Little Ceasar's at 9pm.

...if I was responding to sarcasm...this wouldn't have happened.

Lifehacker and Gawker have a built in corrections thread to help the authors spot their mistakes, I use it.

Lifehacker and Gawker have a built in corrections thread to help the authors spot their mistakes, I use it.

No, if I was this wouldn't have happened.

#corrections: It's psychologically proven that people are more willing to park with things if they think they're going to a good home.

1. You tell them, Ramit Sethi has a really good script on it:

I just set this up, other than being unable to line the battery widget up with the Earth, this is my favorite set up so far.

I started using Evernote because of the Lifehacker article "The Secret Weapon"

I love you for this

IT Support, working for someone I might get 35$ an hour. But if I charge, I can easily get 200$ an hour+

Google uses Voice to build on their speech recognition, it's not dying anytime soon.

You have to click the link to go to the official Rockstar site


I've recently only relied on MSE, and Defender, but I am now installing Avast! and will give it a few days.

We drank a lot of beer.

Be a BILLIONAIRE! wait..that's not...well..

No, it's really not a threat, static discharge doesn't happen if you discharge yourself first.