@2ndopp: BUMP
@2ndopp: BUMP
@James Battle: the company who took over the liquidation raised the prices of the products, and then applied a "Sale" to them, which made them still above MSRP.
@Korbei83: Open Betas do test the server...that's what they are made for...to test the server....or did I miss something in Cisco?
@Obama takes time to read kotaku's comments...: Spread your cheeks and lift your sack
@Lonesnipa: after losing to someone spawn camping and you rage quit, getting to sleep at a decent hour isn't going to happen
@Michael Forsberg: @xIvSlowDeath420: it was fixed in the PS3 1.07 patch update
@FrakEarth: this comment deserves Quote of the Week status.
@jcb231 @Kovitlac: Robot ninja zombie pirate chimp?
@Keyelite: its an Xbox live glitch that infects everyone with unlimited ammo in a game
@Curse lily: For PS3 go to the Settings menu on your XMB, go to System Settings, and go to Notifications, you can turn them off. It will stop notifying you when friends come online, when you receive a message, and when you pickup a trophy. Perfect for when your watching a Blu-Ray and don't want to be bothered.
@phicaluk: half and half is for coffee
@Curse lily: which console?
@RandomFrequentFlierDent: All milk in public supermarkets is Homogenized. The fat contents change though:
@Shigmiya64: 30mm antipersonnel grenade.
@cyruss: It's on more than just SIX Axis'
@Livingtarget: If you shoot a Javelin and watch the explosion and compare it to the Javelin Glitch explosion you will see no difference.
@hurpdurp: It's gaming related, like getting a Razor Mouse review.
@Joghobs: Also it's not the grenade that's live, it's the Javelin, on death your Javelin is fired and then explodes.
@Ueziel: 1.06 fixes both and the geography glitches @spiderweb1986: don't worry about it
@Fenrry: LOL I don't want to call you out, but there is a perk to make claymores explosion delay