
@geiko: PSN isn't paid for by ads #ps3

@geek: @Iresire has it right on the money. Sorry but that's a corporate no-no, it could disable some software that the company needs, and they would have to refresh the PC if you got fired. #remainders

I am pretty sure North America is more than two countries. #modernwarfare2

@infinitezero: @BryceMeiklejohn, his avatar is a fucking Helghan, I don't think he has room for swaying my vote #modernwarfare2

I'd Buy that for a Dolla! #smashtv

@omgwtflolbbl: if you can't see symbolism, a higher meaning, and an effort to reach a moral through a story about treachery, betrayal, and fratricide, despite the game not being out yet, then that person obviously can't find deeper meaning in anything. #kotakugameclub

I am up for should make a good wave about it. #kotakugameclub


@Kanji08: where's your blog, I will subscribe and pay for something so well written, with incredible insight, and prose. #nsfw

@Evdor: Did you notice the word "Dallas" anywhere? the 7th largest city in America... #modernwarfare2