
I'm super torn. On one hand, looping back into the Shan-ti Shan-ti Shan-ti Om mantra is thematically appropriate for a game that's essentially an exploration of hindu morality and reincarnation. Like, the symbolism is not subtle.

Boy, Etrian Odyssey 4. That's one I've been meaning to go back to and finish for three or more years now. I got it pretty much at launch, loved it, then got smacked pretty good by the final boss and moved on. The file is still there, I've been telling myself I'll get back to it and beat that evil giant whatever (I

Don't believe that for a second. One of the more profound things I read after the Brexit vote is that we're now living in a post factual era. England is a first world country - they KNEW that leaving the EU was a bad idea. They had the government, the experts, the intellectual community, foreign governments… every

Considering the extended weekend I thought that tomorrow would be a good day to pick up a new giant sized game so that I would have time to fully indulge in that honeymoon period of enthusiasm. So tomorrow is Dragon Quest IX day.