
I think it comes down to the utility value of money. Let’s say you make an average salary. Your hobby is collecting Hot Wheels cars at 99 cents a pop. If a new Hot Wheels car came out that was hard to find, but you found someone who gobbled a few of them up and resold them for $4, well, you’d probably buy one. $4 is

Yeah that name fucking rules 

“Jim VanSlambrouck” whose kids never get beat up on the playground!

Or perhaps when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor...

The snack-bar franchise at that field must be a fucking gold mine.

David’s landlord?

What does it look like upside in a ditch on fire?

Hold my Natty Boh

Am I the only one who thinks this looks extremely...........well......CHEAP?

That’s not knurling... this is knurling.

In a cruel twist of fate, he has to make the very Nike clothes that will compete against his family brand?

at what point does it just become a bad financial decision...and at what point does wrenching just become a pain in the ass



Thiis the best thing I’ve read all day.

What grudge could a Broncos fan possibly have against Brock?

Maybe the divers will find Bison Dele.

This is why Jalopnik kicks ass.

DD the Beat, track the Autozam, burn the Copen. #comeatmebro