I’d be really interested to learn about pulse turbocharging. I only know about acoustic tuning as it relates to two-stroke motors (which despite all of my research I understand slightly better than magic).
I’d be really interested to learn about pulse turbocharging. I only know about acoustic tuning as it relates to two-stroke motors (which despite all of my research I understand slightly better than magic).
Ok this is so frustrating. I’m done. Why must I be ungreyed individually on EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE? Please Kristen, someone, anyone help me out!
Like many things in life, I started out really disliking the Regular Car Reviews. I found them strangely off-putting. But after watching more of them I have come around and now find them entertaining. Much more so than some guy flying around a track in some exotic.
“I’m not looking for a confrontation. I’m looking for a fight.” Guy sounds like a total bad-ass until you realize it’s a typo.
This should be a regular part of Drew’s footbaw column.
The cumulative effects of concussions are no joke. Each one has lingering effects long after the noticeable symptoms have faded. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=cumulative+effects+concussion&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwinyu3VxsrUAhVq6YMKHXaWC14QgQMIJjAA
Test drove one more for the hell of it than anything else. The salesman couldn’t figure out how to turn the stereo on. He instantly assumed it was broken muttering foul things under his breath. Turns out there is a odd, extraneous button to turn the stereo on for some reason.
Why is it that on every single article I need to be ungreyed again? SO frustrating. Can a staff member help me out? I’m not some flame bot saying my mom makes $4558589 a week from home.
I don’t know what makes me so irrationally angry about this guy and other ballhawks. I think it has something to do with taking a fun relaxing event, a surprise foul, and the fun of greeting a souvenir to help your kid remember a great summer afternoon, and turning it into a gross competition among grown-ass men who…
“Extreme leisure!”
Dude I sweat to god WHAT DO I NEED TO DO TO GET UN-GREY?!
Thanks buddy! I’ll send you some exhaust bearings.
Send Stephen Hawking to the moon, he must weigh nothing plus he’s pretty smart.
Christ-on-a-crutch how many different times do I need to be taken out of the greys?
Italian Enough... the best kind of Italian.
Also how many damn time do I have to get ungreyed? Like once every story? What’s going on here why does kinja hate me?!
What are you trying to say? Is English not your first language? Are you having a stroke?