So is this an opinion piece or journalism or what?
So is this an opinion piece or journalism or what?
Agree... strongly. I am not sure why Alanis downplays the genetic influence here. Drivers are athletes. Genetics plays a large role. Reflexes, vision, physical size all play a role. Don’t discount the ability to “feel” the car. If you can’t feel the handling changes, it can’t be taught. If you can feel the changes,…
This is far from “expecting perfection”. These are items that shouldn’t be part of any vehicle, at any price point. Defective windshields, poor door panels, defective information screen, squeaks and rattles galore. Come on now. It’s not like he couldn’t connect Bluetooth or a headlight was misaligned.
It’s a “predicted reliability score.” It is a guesstimate based on other products from the manufacturer. It’s as close as one car get under the circumstances. It’s hardly stupid and it is hardly definitive hence the word “predicted.”
Putting windshield wiper controls in a freaking menu that you have to poke around for on a touchscreen while you are driving in the rain is a perfect example of how Tesla is a techbro company first, car company second.
Where is the outrage over at The Root?
What makes you think they can’t fill a grid of 60 cars next year without them? Particularly with BMW joining GTE, a lot more LMP2 teams ready to compete, and what looks to be a solid LMP1 Privateer resurgence.
This is a bad take.
That’t the great thing about being a progressive isn’t it... too little investment in a community or too much... there is always some thing to bitch about and claim victim status over.
Now how the fuck does the amount of time it has sat help this gentleman see it any better? What, he’s just doing laps?
For a Jalop, anything that isn’t a garage with a couch and shitter is frivoulous and only for lazy fucks/soccer moms/dentists/people with more money than brain, etc...
This hits close to home. A similar incident happened near my work in Houston a few years ago.
Apparently I must be.
Also, data.
Yeah, I don’t know why they keep posting that dudes videos. He routinely says stuff that is completely wrong while simultaneously coming across as a smug butthead and being boring as fuck.
Show me someone who thinks engine braking is bad and I’ll show you a stupid person. I’ve never heard anyone express that opinion honestly, not sure where Engineering Explained came up with that.
It’s a joke. Lighten up.
Naw, I peg the weight of the M8 to be about 3,800 if not less. This will be due to the use of carbon fiber, just like how the new M5 is lighter than the current F10 M5. But, then again, BMW is doing away with the carbon fiber shaft for the M3/M4.
Doofus, you don’t sit down to a game of ‘go fish’, slap down the race card before the first hand is dealt, stand up, push your chair back, and scream “eat that, bitch!” You wait until the dealer gets the cards out, you study the players after a few rounds, you figure out their strengths and weaknesses, THEN you reach…
Go back to theroot please.