
It ran a 192.3 mph trap speed at Le Mans in 2012, so I’m not sure where you got your “maybe hit 165” information.

You might want to reconsider your position here. Where do you think your food comes from? Do you really want to discuss resources?  

This headline seems pretty clickbaity, since there’s nothing here that says this problem is exclusive to Apple CarPlay rather than touchscreens in general. Why pick on Apple specifically, rather than use this as another rallying cry to bring dedicated, physical controls back to cars’ center consoles?

So you hate capitalism because you’re financially illiterate? Got it. I mean it’s partly not your fault. Both the headline and the article framed this is in a very dishonest way, but let’s be abundantly clear here... “net worth” has little to do with your income or what you have in the bank.

You absolutely should pick on Mike for this. Just because it’s common doesn’t mean that it’s right. He picked the title, he knew exactly what he was doing and excusing it only encourages more of the same.

So you hate Capitalism because people are giving their own money to charity instead of the government taking it and losing about 90% of it before it actually gets anywhere useful?

They didn’t have to donate a dime. Yet, they donated 10M Euros. You found a way to bitch about it. STFU, you worthless twat waffle.

Another day, another “percentage of net worth” article about the ultra wealthy (not picking on Mike, it’s common across the mass media).

Username checks out

oh it was definitely due for an update. The 3D look is out of date.

I just checked, 2005 MSRP for the Carrera that I found was about $69k which, adjusted for inflation puts it a bit over $91k. The base 992 Carrera starts just over $97k. Neither figure is close to double. Power went from a stated 325hp to 379hp and 0-60 dropped from 4.8s to 4.0s. I don’t think numbers really tell the

Sure, but there still IS maintenance, and that’s fine. 

I understand the gravity behind the situation, I think. But isn’t fielding an exclusively female team the definition of a gimmick?

Agreed, the issue with EV isn’t so much range, but more the charging times. 30 minutes is unacceptable.

The Supra will also have a significantly more refined interior and better handling. C’mon, it’s basically a BMW. That’s the reason you put quotes around Supra, right? Also, the 255hp B48 is clearly underrated. Similar power rated engines from other carmakers are often significantly slower. Expect straight line performa

Pay for a nicer seat ya poor.

I don’t recline, but you are wrong.  As long as its a feature, no one is a monster for using it.

Yeah, because designing a strategy based around appealing to people who cry endlessly for smaller and cheaper is always a winning business.... /s

Unpopular opinion:

“in a market that can’t get enough of big and stupid SUVs."