
Im not being political and am incredibly ignorant on the topic, but doesn’t Mexico have harsh immigration policies with its southern neighbors? Also having a nasty reputation of those people trying to sneak in down south being taken advantage of, beaten and jailed?

Security through obscurity is no security at all. Information travels, and you can’t control where it goes.

But if no one knows about it, then how would anyone know to use it in a time of need?

Giulia Quadrifoglio by Geely

Because freedom? Who decides how much pay is the most? What if we look worldwide? If you make $35k per year, you are top 1% in the world. So what, should we cap pay at $10k to make it equivalent for all humans?

At 70 cars a year that means they dyno one approximately every 5 days. How long does the dyno session last? 5 minutes at full power would be pushing it. So, 5 minutes of power generation every 5 days...not really offsetting anything.

Callaway Designer 1: Man, this thing is looking pretty good, but it needs a cool logo.

i dont like it

After saying Choos and Blahniks are your flavor?

Hard Dog Roll bars come with partial leather wrap and they are ~$400 roll bars that people put in Miatas. Whats the bid deal about the leather wrap? A bare roll bar would be a little boy racer in such a gentlemanly vehicle.

There is no conjecture in my post everything I said is backed by science. But, I will give you some now. I don’t think you are delusional i think you are lying because there is no doctor that thinks you are fine. If you are jacked like you pretend to be your doctor would be very concerned with your liver and kidney

How can you possibly know that

You are not obese you are morbidly obese with a BMI of 41.8. You do not have a 36" inch waist at that weight. Your bones are not made out of the stuff Wolverines bones are made from. You are not extremely muscular. The Rock is 6 inches taller than you and still weighs between 40 and 50 pounds less than you.

How sad is it that 300lb at 5'9" isn’t considered abnormal?

So call the dealer beforehand and tell them that you weigh 300 plus pounds and you want to be assured that no parts of the car will fail due to your weight? Or do you contact the manufacturer directly? You know full well that’s not an option.

If he was made aware of that when he was buying, we would see another article where “he was refused to be sold a vehicle, insulted, and called “large” for being, well, large. Joey needs to loose weight. General population acceptance is not an excuse to turn yourself into a huge person. Let’s address the elephant in

I don’t think “Social Justice Warriors” qualify as a race or a sex...

Well, when you’re really heavy you have to deal with these types of problems. If he were 8 feet tall and his head kept wearing out the headliner, would anyone expect Hyundai to keep replacing the headliner?

I think you’re wrong and they have nothing to worry about. Social Justice Warriors only care about fat women, not fat men.