
Exactly. That’s what does it for me as well.

Now playing

I struggle to even hear the 488 on busy tracks.

Now explain Sweeden and Finland.

What is the comparison if not bombed-out, Soviet architecture, shithole?

Honestly, a whole lot of the midwest looks like Eastern Europe c. 1990s.

Video of the shooting is genuinely troubling

Obviously there’s nothing wrong with the premise which you’ve presented except for the fact something can’t be “more unique”.

Well, the fuel doors and owners manuals would suggest otherwise. Even Mini’s call for premium fuel.

Last time I made fun of the Crossfire a couple of people crawled out of the woodwork to tell me how stupid I was and how amazing the AMG engined SRT6 was. 

When would you say Civichood is officially lost? After you remove the doors or just the bumpers?

Woahhhh sorry, boss!

You’re shifting all over the place.

Interesting that the horn, a device which you could convincably be activating at the time of a collision remains on the airbag in the vast majority of vehicles.

Are you aware of the legal threshold on which modifications require new VINs? Are you going to be the guy who tells Hennessy his Lotus VINs are illegal?

Lots of gems from my driving instructor.

The whole “shuffle the wheel,never cross your hands while turning” line they feed you at drivers ed.

Pssst.....NBC Sports’ premier weekend programming is the English Premier League, I don’t think “majority of Americans” is their target demograpic.

The PD lawyer had to be pulling his hair out. Not that there is a whole lot of reputation left to damage, but that’s arguably slander if that’s actually a civic (which it clearly is) and he’s accused of moving VINs.

This engine isessentially the polar opposite of anything you’d want to take endurance racing, this car is maybe the worst car to ever win Le Mans and if it weren’t for the slumlords at the FIA nuking Group C it would be about as famous as all of Nissan’s failed prototypes. AND WORST OF ALL IT WAS OP IN FORZA FOR A

Set aside this being simply unfunny without the weight of the context.....What God are you praying to in hopes someone is sexually assaulted? Why would you think sexual assault victims would take solice in more assaults and more people enduring what they have had to?