
Forget the internet police routine for a second and realize you repeated back to him exactly what he said. No one is coming around and fitting monitoring devices to private vehicles.

Problem solved.

This argument is utter nonsense. Yes, obviously this is not a hard and fast 100% guaranteed rule. You’re not being clever pointing out basic implied aspects of conversation which aren’t said because they don’t need to be.

But Sweers says 45 percent of its Tacoma buyers do go off-road,

I’m not saying it’l age worse than the old Lagonda.....but it will be close.

Tacky aftermarket grill.

Yeah, that Rockefeller guy never tried to meddle with politics.

Not sure what other sports have to do with the rules of wraslin’....

Excellent stuff, COTD.

Is this all in a parking lot?

Just for the avoidance of doubt I was being sarcastic and how dare you David Copperfield really did that.


Now playing

The production of the new 7 Series and seeing how they implement the “carbon core” is also fascinating.

I was going to include this caveat in my post.

This is the kind of fun-crap we need more of.

The LT Coupe guys have to have pitchforks and torches at this point.

So you can see the songs better?

Zune also supported lossless audio like 10 years before iTunes.