Recovering Saabaholic

I wish media would start distinguishing between different types of vaping. A lot of the illnesses and issues seem to stem from from vaping liquids. But few mention anything about vaping products for dried herbs. It’s a shame that a company like PAX who creates products that combust dry herbs (not vaporizing liquids) wi

I would be legitimately interested in an AWD focus that wasn’t the RS

As someone who has purchased a 2014 Fiesta (ST), 2018 Forte and will buy an 2019/2020 Impreza soon, I can confirm that small car owners do like to stay with what they know.

If you’re getting that kind of damage on a regular old sedan, you should probably just hand in your driver’s license. I daily-drive a lowered BRZ with a front lip, low profile tires, and aftermarket suspension on Chicago roadways year-round, and don’t have the kinds of problems you’re talking about. Pretty sure if the

Counterpoint: If you expect someone who paid for a seat that reclines to not recline it because it inconveniences you, the monster is you.

Got my snow tires on just the other day in time for our first multi-day snow storm here in CO.

Let me save everyone some time. Conclusions - traction control on: Audi slightly better. Traction control off: Audi more sloppy than the others. Trade-offs abound, and no real standout winner.

You’re welcome.

People can enjoy things all they want, right up until it’s actively harmful to everyone around them. Driving giant gas guzzling SUVs because it makes you feel like a bigger person is actively harmful.

Can we math before we panic?

Jesus Christ died so we could have our SUVs.

If SUVs are outlawed, then only outlaws will have SUVs.

I have a buddy who had a 500 Abarth. He loved it, and it sounded so incredible. It’s the kind of car that makes you giggle at every turn.

Man, this is such a pitiful attempt at deflecting, and imagined “sowing of discord.” Jesus Christ on a vintage pogo stick, it even brings up Clinton, from three years ago.

So, how much time do you put in to checking the seats? It would seem to me that at some point, the cost of your time to do this is going to exceed the cost of just paying a little bit more to get the better seat.

But also, don’t bank too much on a customer base that’s aging out/dying off. Or you’ll actually end up like Harely Davidson.

Apparently you do if you live in Philly.

Living in any city with a major league sports team means you’re taking part in a scam to subsidize stadiums for billionaires. Rather than dig in their own pockets, they dig into scarce budgets and tax payer wallets while using local media outlets to push PR for ‘much needed economic boost’ headlines when you’re just

Creative Galaxy S3 – Amazon Original series”

Whenever I read about the Dutch Reach I fell inclined to tell people about my own technique, which I’ve dubbed the “Portuguese Look At The Fucking Mirror Before Opening Your Fucking Door”. It’s great and can be used in tandem with the Dutch Reach.

Incomplete history: