Here's your first lesson: they're people, treat them as such, and you'll win game of the year in writing.
Here's your first lesson: they're people, treat them as such, and you'll win game of the year in writing.
calm yourself random lady. the last of us was a good game made by people who WANTED to appeal to the female audience. the problem is when you people, with your agendas are FORCING companies to appeal to the female audience. you people are therefore putting them out of their element.
they do care about the money. and its usually from men. and women with no feminist agenda. and also women with a feminist agenda but still want to play assassin's creed. and everybody else.
Doesn't matter if ubisoft thinks they're the new EA, the best games are being made with a female audience in mind.
Ubisoft doesn't know. Nor cares. They know who their audience is. And in AC: Unity, they are making a game that will sell through the roof. So I think they'll be just fine.
sure, and all the busybody "feminists" whining will really make any dent in the game's sales. Because as we all know, game sales plummet when the public finds out there are no female protagonists. When you get back to Earth, let us know.