Ethan Allison

How about this?

This won't work if you have anything on the table, though.

If it can figure out the words

Beige. It's the only color that literally tries to be boring.

Pressure-treated wood is designed to get all the air and water out

Scrollbars are great for huge lists (espescially on touchscreens when kinetic scrolling takes forever), but almost everything else is better with using a scroll wheel or gestures

This would be after the cooling the servers step i.e. all the heat that has to get pumped out gets pumped somewhere productive

>No, the heat is too "low quality" to turn back into electricity.

So... recapture the heat and use it to make power?

Mother of shit, $3200 for some cut plywood and some bolts? Pretty sure you could get all the parts cut out from a water jet place for way cheaper

I love how everyone has their undies in a knot over electric cars not being audible at low speeds when modern engines are so quiet you can't really tell the difference anyway

The theory of evolution explains how life got from the first single-celled critters to modern animals and plants and shit. It can't explain where life itself came from, nor does it try to. In fact, how life arose from non-life is one of the big questions that science is trying to find an explanation for.

Considering how long they're either sitting or crawling in traffic I wonder how effective solar panels on the roof would be

What happened to good artists copy, great artists steal?

Buy 5-10 old Rolls/Bentleys so you'll always have one to drive while the rest are in the shop

I'm not sure what it's called - FGETS, maybe - but it's a ground-effect hovertrain. It's more or less the exact same technology that you'd see in an ekranoplan

Except he actually is a guy. He just likes to wear women's clothes sometimes.

Sentience or consciousness I can buy, but it's a machine. It doesn't have to be able to feel to be able to think.

So what? If someone's dumb enough to buy this, let 'em
