Ethan Allison

Why can't they just put the fucking Ctrl key on the left?

Well if you're trying to blow stuff up I don't think permission would be that high of a priority

So what if passengers don't like it? Nobody likes flying regardless of the plane's shape. Lower maintenance costs and better fuel economy means cheaper tickets. Everyone likes cheaper tickets.

NBC bought national exclusive broadcast rights for $1,180,000,000 because they, in theory, will profit from TV advertising - that means mostly during a few hours a day on one channel. If the IOC put everything on a bazillion live streams and uploaded videos of everything right away they could still sell exclusive TV

What if the Olympic Committee or whoever gave everyone the finger and just livestreamed everything on Youtube?

This of course is a major concern considering the size of the Japanese African-American population. Wait...

What would be really nice is a universal DC plug standard, i.e. one huge 100-250V AC -> 5/24V DC converter built into a building's wiring. That way you could have USB/AC outlets that you just wire in directly instead of having to build transformers and stuff into each outlet, and 24V sockets for everything else. The

21/25mpg isn't particularly decent, especially compared to something like an Amarok that gets 31mpg combined. Plus you can get a full-size for $21k, which seems to be what most everyone does since they're so much nicer.

Maybe nobody likes small, practical trucks because they don't make any that get better than 20-25mpg and cost less than $20,000ish

But robots don't have feelings...

Maybe instead of a beeping alarm the cars should gently nudge themselves back in place?

Why do people care so much about thickness?

Hopefully this comes in left-handed.

You're telling me there's no way to make a gender-neutral icon for "person getting married"?

Wait, 232 people were all using Amtrak at the same time and place outside of the Boston-DC lines?

I know you can with the Naga. Well, you can map the buttons to any key combo (i.e. Ctrl, Shift, and/or Alt + any letter/number) and map the key combo to anything via Photoshop/etc.

You really wanna go through the whole pairing process every time you use a new cash register?

Why not just shift+power or something like EFI Macs do?

They still need to get refurbished every 20 years or so, don't they? And I've never seen a super old commercial airliner, so I'm pretty sure they get sold to other countries or cargo lines.

Not really. Airplanes generally can't last more than 20 years without wearing out from the pressure inside them going up and down.