Ethan Allison

Guys this is just embarrassing. Where do you think paper comes from? Old-growth forests in the fucking Amazon basin or something?

This works for any laptop that can take a car charger, if that's not obvious.

Subaru Justy AWD. 1⅓ driven wheels per cylinder.

A cameraman stepped on him.

It'll scare off people with adult acne too. That's not very nice.

Now all they need to do is make it rear-engined and we'll have come full circle.

You don't need two models for GSM and CDMA versions. Just make one model and say it comes in two flavors, like with the Galaxy Nexus. Hell, you could even make the WP7 and Android phones the same except with the different buttons, but with the same name. For example, the HTC HD7 and Evo are almost exactly the same.

RIM, swallow your pride and make a deal with Amazon or Google to integrate their app store into App World somehow.

Wouldn't it make sense to have a second battery (think, a regular car battery) to run the critical electronics off of that had a month or two of storage life and could be charged from ANY regular outlet?

Lots of drugs screw this up. Caffeine, for one.

Guys, this is fucking gross.

Why are they investigating this? What's illegal about it?

Why don't we just do...

I know of at least two schools that do it and they seem to be doing just fine (UW-River Falls and UW-Stout in Wisconsin). More people should know about places like these.

Why the hell do schools still make you buy textbooks? You can just have a library full of them like you would in high school.

So what's the difference between this and the Toto toilets?

Hopefully they'll have the same brain fart about Siri and get everything linked to a voice in/out instead of touchscreens.

What about drone activity?

The nicest thing you can get with no money down and no payments for 12 months

Gas generators are usually about 20-25% efficient, but that's still enough energy for 5 years.