Ethan Allison

4.5 inches? That thing IS AT&T's LTE table.

This is all fun and games until someone tries to download Plants vs. Zombies (etc.) and can't get it to work.

If we can control flying killbots from thousands of miles away why do these guys have to get so close?

Comic Sans why must you torment me?!

Finally, the truth of the gay agenda has been exposed!

But.. that's so dumb.. D:

What's wrong with gears?

Why not go after the Tea Party instead? They stand for more or less everything Anonymous is against.

If bottles are better at preserving before opening and boxes better after opening, why not have a plastic bag inside an opaque bottle?

If you have such a problem with Apple, why don't you stop buying stuff from them?

Guess people will just have to fall back on booze.... which is already in the drinks, since that's kind of the whole point...

I guess there's more than one way to... scan a cat.


It's mg/dL, not %. Get it right, guys.

Couldn't they have used a door opener tool that, you know, doesn't break the door?

Civic 4x4.

Who watches TV on TV anymore? Isn't that what torrents are for?

If you can't tell the difference by tasting it, why does it matter?

This is basically free money by the shipping container for whoever thought this up.

Perhaps, but efficiency isn't the only place you can innovate.