Ethan Allison

I'm not entirely sure but I think the administrating is handled by some huge warehouse in Texas or something. We just keep one or two big rooms full of books and order/return more as demand changes, and everything's tied to student accounts so if anything disappears it's clear who to charge for it.

Why don't more universities have textbook libraries? We reuse textbooks 10-20+ times and the replacement cost is rolled into the tuition.

Just make it so it can run Android apps. That way you have the interface people keep happying over without having to worry about not having any apps.

CotD right here.

Never has anyone asked what a cross between Barack Obama and Andre the Giant would look like, but this answers that question anyway.

Optical pads seem to make for a fine replacement.

Now playing

This doesn't have a trackball like the N1. Do you ever miss it?

It's measured in mg/dL which is a "the stuff in this volume of stuff weighs this much" sort of thing. You can translate it to % if you know the weight of alcohol and blood, but it's still a different figure.

Guys seriously? There's no % in BAC. Thought y'all would know better.

"Living pictures"? Why doesn't it just automatically stack focus?

Copper conducts heat better.

2020? Have people stopped paying attention to how fast the price of solar panels is going down?

Porsche 911

Because it's ... blasphemy against Apple? I see what they did there.

Try this: [] href="">#c10 (it's for the Pidgin plugin, but it should apply to anything)

Most people couldn't care less about a 5 second bloop (nor know how to bypass it automatically). Of course, the people this is targeted towards go "ooooh shiny"...

Yeah just save everything as TIFFs. (multi-page bitmaps, so nothing can go under anything)

People use tasers more often than guns though.

If you're a nudist it sure beats a fanny pack.

Clearly Samsung has underestimated how stupid people can be.