
You know what the difference between us is? My name, my face, and my social media link are right there. I stand by everything I say and don’t talk shit anonymously.

Wow, in the US that kind of business savvy gets you the Oval Office.

Folks erased that years ago. He will go down in history as a legend and if you bring up that he was a rapist, you will be the bad guy.

Just a reminder that Kobe Bryant probably raped a woman.

I know they’re called Danishes. I like the sound of Denmarkians better though.

Found the Denmarkian.

The masturbating was in California.

If you need special training to learn to have some fucking empathy while caring for sick people you have no fucking business trying to care for sick people. Pretty words and more training cant make someone grow a conscience

The self checkout line doesn’t judge me for buying my 3rd box of oreos this week.

Such a deep-state embedded hoax that Rush had to leave Florida during the week to spread the word from further North in order to reach a wider audience.

Because this shit has killed their commenting community, which they referred to as “important” to them.

He should spend all that Amazon money buying AV Club so we can go back to being a website and not whatever the hell this is.

It was difficult for me to discern whether that was the real Coop or not in those scenes. He had the demeanor of evil Coop. It’s all in MacLachlan’s eyes and facial expressions, or lack of expressions. He was fantastic.

With a video like that, I’d dance around in a circle on the way to the Tesla dealer then the Porsche dealer because holy living fuck would I sue like crazy.

If two cops can’t fend off a woman with a knife without killing her, you (a) probably shouldn’t be a cop, or (b) whoever trained you shouldn’t train cops (and also - you shouldn’t be a cop).

but much worse he talks bad about me to our four year old daughter.

When will Trump visit here?

That is a heartbreaking picture.

Why do you need two hands for landscape? You obviously don’t know how to multitask. Thumb is centered on the bottom side of the screen and a couple fingers on the top side of the screen. Drink a beer, assist in the beat down, or masturbate with the other hand.