
You know, his father is right. We do need to have a discussion about alcohol and campus culture.

I’m sure the poor artists who get outright robbed by commercial, exploitative celebrities care.

Now playing

The Britney/Janet thing is quite a stretch. Dancing on a chair wasn’t even groundbreaking or original when Janet did it.

“Sentient” is a bit generous

I expect nothing less from a group of sentient Pink sweatpants and clearance Lily Pulitzer scarves.

Pretending I don’t care whether or not someone is dead or alive for my eFriends so they know how cool I am.

you are right. one persons death should not mare the entire industry. just like the beating of Rodney King does not speak to the greatness of the LAPD and its treatment of non-white people.

Also, I refuse to accept that fat people en masse are merely too dumb to understand that junk food all the time=bad. People eat nutritionally bereft/calorically dense food when they're poor. Look at any map of 'obesity' in the US and look at how weight correlates with low income. This is just such classist, sizist

Um, no. I live in a country with socialised medicine, and the reason I avoid doctors is literally NOTHING OTHER than I hate the fat-judgement. Maybe you should stop speaking over fat people who are sharing their experiences?

Bullshit. I'm overweight, and I've had good insurance and shitty insurance, and probably 2 out of 3 doctors I've seen have reduced almost all their advice to "lose weight". I had to see 4 doctors before I finally found one willing to actually investigate my back and foot pain—turns out X-rays show I have arthritis. It

No, that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about, say, when I go to a new doctor for intake, we review my blood work, she tells me everything looks healthy, and then she launches into a lecture about my BMI. When I point out that the BMI measure don't make sense, since it would rank someone with a lot of

I understand where you're coming from. But in the case of people who are unaware of health concerns, doctors should stress increased exercise and healthy eating - not the assumption that fat = unhealthy or fat = stupid and unaware. There are plenty of unhealthy skinny people who would equally benefit from such a

I am a dancer and I hurt my foot a few months back. Now I didn't hurt my foot because I'm a fattie, I hurt my foot because I fell and continued to dance on it. Now I have weaker ankles thanks to my weight and the condition I have now is exasperated because of my weight but it did not happen because I'm fat. It's a

Have a friend (also a nurse) who's family doctor claimed he couldn't do a PAP smear on her because he couldn't find her vagina because she's so fat. That's not cherry picking advice, IMHO, it's being an abusive ***. Cause I've catheterized female patients WAY fatter than my friend!

There's the EXACT problem, right there! You said, "Honest question - Isn't it the doctor's responsibility to tell you if you're doing something unhealthy?" You're assuming fat = unhealthy. That's the whole point. Fat does not automatically mean 'unhealthy'. If I'm doing something scientifically proven to be

I just wrote this in response to a comment, but I'll leave it here to add some personal experience.

I think maybe you're mistaking what people complain about when they say doctors are 'shitty' to fat people. It means that their concerns are not taken seriously, that any issue they come to the doctor about can be overlooked because of their weight, and even people who are perfectly healthy — by medical standards,

"...wait for it, being fat is *purported to be* harmful to your health *by doctors who receive grant funding from pharmaceutical companies for a favorable research outcome*."

Telling a fat person to lose weight is absolutely disrespectful. There is a respectful way to tackle the same issue, and it's "Are you comfortable at your weight level? If you are willing, we can look at some ways to help you lose weight because I believe it could help with [specific problem that the Doctor has actual

An old friend of mine was a big guy and told me a story about how he went thru a bad breakup once and lost 50lbs by existing on nothing but vodka, depression and obsessive exercise. His doctor, who pretty much belittled him about his weight every visit, noted the weight loss, and told him to "keep it up"— AFTER he was