
Joel McHale ✔️
Gillian Jacobs ✔️

The feelings are the last thing I'd expect from a CBB and yet — oy.

This feels right.

Mary Holland: character name champion

*waves as viewer #9*

Hurrah, the reviews are back!

Matt Jourley's the goddang best.

Cowritten by Eben Schletter! (who's ooooonly…. the best)

Move on!*

That's one of the top PFT guffaws of all time.


I got a notification for this?!


That line: the "Matthew Moy/Lok Duk Dong Diagonal" (Asian-ness vs. actual comedy value)

Seriously — Steven Yeun can't be the only "Asian Dude Who Isn't The Ethnic Sidekick" on primetime right now.

They play that song a bunch during This American Life a bunch & my head went to Ira Glass automatically.

How much would it cost to get an IndieGoGo for a Special Guest w/HoHo and Santa going? HMM.

Eat that floor, kid!