
I think removing voice chat all together is the direction to go in. Nobody’s really tried to make a multi-player shooter where people can only communicate with in-game tools. Seems like an interesting design problem to solve. Just having an open voice line or text chat feature solved so many gameplay problems easily th

Facinating. You have interesting taste that is quirky and unique, yet restrained. It’s unpopular...but maybe right? Who can say. Point is: I’m intrigued. Keep spreading this innovatively tepid, yet controversial film criticism you’ve deloped. The world’s comment sections need to learn that a movie that gets a 77% on


That’s not true. Slurs are all different and unique. Their meanings change over time and in different contexts. Neutral words become slurs. Slurs become neutral words. Slurs said in one context have neutral effects. Neutral words said in other context can have the same effect as a slur. This is true of words

Calling Prostasia a “child-protection organization” is definitely a bold choice.

Who should get credits is exactly the kind of thing a union could negotiate collectively and work with the publishers to set up a system with clear rules and arbitration systems.

Can you please do some reporting to find out if your theory/assumption about omissions being innocent mistakes is correct and write an article about it? Get some sources in the company and find out who that manager is and get a quote from him apologizing. Would really help the discourse on this issue.

It was boring and not funny and preachy and self-important. Let’s not call it “standup at its highest level”. That’s pure wankery. If you enjoyed the lecture, that’s fine, but this was a bomb of show full of cringe. Like if you collect all of Dave’s specials and you decide to throw on “The Closer” instead of his

This kind of impunity for rich kids is not a feature of third world countries, but rather a core aspect of Americanism.

It’s a critical argument. You want those arguments strong and bold and provocative. Just read the back of the box if you’re so offended by a critic taking a stance on media you consider precious or from creators you consider to be genius uber-menschen who’s decisions are infallible and beyond reproach. You want to

I haven’t watched or read anything from this guy”

It’s not for people who can choose to have a standard dishwasher. You would put on the counter next to the sink where your dish drying rack is now and you dump the dirty water in the sink 

Inspired by but unrelated” feels oxymoronic.

It’s skateboarding. Then probably pole vaulting? Everything else is just hard to do well. Skateboarding is hard to do at all. Pole vaulting, I don’t know about, but once you figure out how to do it, then it’s just doing one thing particularly well. 

I don’t see a mass audience for this thing. Luxury item for a tiny slice of the market. Will probably have weird bugs and annoying quality of life issues that won’t pop up until a few weeks after launch. Today, I would bet on this thing ending up on a listicle of disappointing handhelds in 5 years. I would bet against

Looks great. I’ll wait for the second-gen version that fixes whatever problems this one will have.

How can a box of oranges be empty? If it’s a box of oranges, that means there are oranges in the box. 

I think you are vastly overestimating the cost of spinning up a streaming service in the year 2021. You are underestimating the profitability of mining a niche audience. Not everything needs to scale to Netflix size for it to be worthwhile for all involved.

Red Stripe should be on this list.

what does “leggy” mean?