
Curious to see how you patch an action figure.

When I had it done:

Something you're not understanding about piracy, DRM, and why DRM isn't about piracy.
Think about what DRM doesn't do: Stop pirates.
Think about what DRM does: Hurts everybody but pirates.

If Ubisoft's actions are not stopping people from pirating the game, what good is the DRM if it's only going to hurt those who

How does it justify Ubi's actions? How does a person successfully stealing from a company, justify that company hurting their paying customers by implementing a system that doesn't actually prevent theft? I mean, if the anti-pirating system hurt their customers AND actually prevented pirating, I'd see your point,

That's funny, it's exactly because of that shitty DRM that I pirate their games.

I think they made themselves perfectly clear: more peanut brittle-y, but don't lose all of the fudginess.What other context do you need?

I'm sure you wouldn't be the first.

Yup. Graphic design is in most cases embarrassingly simple. Not because the graphic designers aren't good, but because most people don't want something fancy that will challenge a graphic designer's abilities.

Unless I'm doing something extremely challenging and difficult, like for instance re-imagining a company

If you have a basic knowledge in Photoshop and at least some design sense, probably.

You and I are friends now.

Job creator giving money to make jobs. HAHAHAHA! Look at Kentucky who dropped taxes for job creators. Where did the money go? Into their pockets and it's leaving the state in poor condition. Making money is necessary and being uberliberal is bad but the opposite side of the coin is just as bad.

This is how you re-release a game. Some developers need to step up their 'game'.

Some folks might give a dismissive answer, like "it's all in your mind" or whatever, but sometimes one of the "natural flavors" or preservatives just meshes wrong with someone's system and creates a nightmare scenario—-I'm the same way with Domino's pepperoni, but only Domino's and only pepperoni.

End of the day, if someone wants to avoid a taxi and go with Uber, they will. Even if it means walking away from the airport to do so. Personally, I've had crappy experiences with taxis so I stay away with them and i'm sure other people feel the same way.

Wasn't referencing the comics, but the show. Tell you what though, if you take that over sized stick out of your ass I might consider your advice :).

Good for you. I realized from experience that the kids who take the advanced classes often just have the loudest parents. A friend who ended up with a PhD from MIT wasn't in advanced classes for most of middle and high school, mainly because her parents didn't have time to pester the administration about it. She