Probably the best reasoning for EA removing features.
Probably the best reasoning for EA removing features.
Someone's made the cast and apartment from friends and it's like the sequel we all hope will never happen, except…
Or you could have meaningful content, possibly with related images. Just a suggestion.
These are the kind of anti-piracy measures that I like. People that bought a legal copy of the game don't have to deal with it, and people that pirate the game get something that happens to them that makes the game annoying to play.
I liked Direct TV's way of dealing with the pirates in the 90's was to straight up wreck their gear by making it overload. Now that's the way you deal with pirates.
What really struck me as I dragged it out from one room to the other was that I can see a lot of folks keeping their PS3 for another year or two at least.
Game's Producer Says Things, Therefore They Are True
yeah its retarded, they made 60 million dollars on the pc version, and it turns out the updates are slow because they've been working on this....
Almost 12000 hours? Am I seeing that right? Damn.
Trying to remember what to say (memorizing) is part of a larger process. If you memorize your talk it will come across as stilted and it will look memorized. You'll deliver it from your head as part of the recall process. Instead rehearse and rehearse until you know it. Then deliver it from your heart.
The main benefit of XBMC over Plex is that it doesn't require a server software to run. You just point the app to where on your network your media resides and it scans it all in.
XBMC seems to be better from an enthusiast point of view. There are more options to tweak, and the focus is on playing the raw media files.
plex is stronger in the mobile area.
What are your goals?
#notsureiftroll #willproceedlikenottroll
I'm going to hazard a guess and say that the reason why people pluralize Lego is because not everyone goes online to read the Lego policy page. My guess is that people see Lego, and they think of a Lego block. Now if they have more then 1 Lego block they say Legos. Just like one apple = apple, but if someone…
Backer here, I'm satisfied. they're still giving us our physical rewards and they're giving us copies of another game that's in the same vein. a game failed and they're handling the failure well.
To find 11 13/16% Find 10%, add 10% of the 10% , then 50% of the 10% plus half of that result then 10 percent of that result and multiply it by two...
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