
I considered it when I last upgraded, but ultimately decided it wasn't worth the hassle.

Yeah, that's another great addition to the toolset. For the longest time, I used to use shrink tubing, too. Now, I just use zip ties, and I'm not so picky as I used to be. I used to work in the telephone biz, where cable dressing is a thing of beauty.

*drops mic*

Cable dressing is an art. Like all arts, it requires patient practice. Unlike most arts, it also requires scads of zip-ties.

haha glad it worked out. The first time i turned on my PC it was glowing and fans were running and everything. But i got no display. Then it took me 30 minutes to realize i plugged into the wrong display port XD

CPU tension bar? Fine. No problem there. Now that goddamn CPU heatsink. Holy crap. Sometimes it's okay, but most of the time it's like trying to wrestle a cat who really hates baths into the bath tub.

It was fucking nerve-wracking for my first build. It didn't turn on, went all over the internet trying to troubleshoot. People suggested my power supply was the problem, so I had to wait till the next day to go and buy a new one, then when I took everything apart and put in the new power supply, it STILL didn't work.

That happen twice for me, first time I built the rig, it was do to the board not having the latest BIOS so it would not post, then when I swapped my rig to A Corsair 540 air and forgot to turn on the main switch for the PSU. my heart sank.

I just built my new gaming rig yesterday based off the recommendations of some of my fellow Kotaku readers and general web browsing. So when I hit that power button and saw nothing happen, I mean come on, I spend 4 hours assembling the damn thing, it was quite a sorry sight, I nearly fell into depression.

Then my

Sooooo.....a sociopath simulator with dinosaurs instead of zombies?

The fact an open-world Dinosaur hunter on PC with guns doesn't exist yet makes me sad, we have the stomping grounds, but if we could mow down a t-rex with an assault rifle on the back of a raptor while it explodes in the background for some reason makes me sad.

That's under "everything"

Pfft, two drives. Why not 24?

I want to take a second to remind everyone that LEGO is made of plastic and you need oil to create plastic. If Greenpeace was really trying to do anything other than stir up trouble they would be calling for LEGO to be discontinued entirely as it is a pointless use of natural resources(i figure somebody would phrase

Ooooohhh!.... Aaaahhh!....

+1 Yep, interval timed shots are brilliant. Not only do you get to enjoy the show, but you also get better shots since you don't have to touch the camera and risk camera shake.

Nice, those are great looking

eh, while I agree, it's also just a fun challenge I think. Fireworks are pretty much the same every year, but learning how to do some cool stuff with your camera is a great skill to have

Wrong pronounciation: Kil-OM-eter

Word: Library