The financial crisis of 2008 explained in one internet comment.
The financial crisis of 2008 explained in one internet comment.
Not sure what website you are reading but most of the comments on this site are still positive towards Jackie possibly getting the date wrong, the fraternity wrong, etc etc. True, we DON'T know what is true and what isn't. What we do know is that there are people, organizations, and schools that were affected by this…
Do you think that the frat is owed an apology? I think that would be the first place to start given their entire existence was threatened.
So it's ok to ruin innocent peoples lives? The situation is fucked for everyone involved.
Then what was the point of your comment? You seem to be saying by them reporting a rape that didn't happen they're irresponsible because it triggered you. Are you saying you were triggered by just seeing the headlines without reading the entire story? I'm just saying, nobody made you read the articles or watch the…
This is the rationale for every agenda-driven hoaxer that gets exposed (of which there are legion). "My instance may have been false, but it raised awareness of a VERY SERIOUS problem."
The point of the Rolling Stone article? What point was that? They don't stand by the article. The whole thing has collapsed. The point is that a woman claimed a particularly gruesome and horrific gang rape occurred and people rushed to believe her — and denounce anyone who had questions — despite there was no evidence…
As a UVa grad, fuck you. My school's reputation has been tarnished by a writer who failed to understand even rudimentary journalism. Thank God I went to this great school and have enough money to never have to even ride the bus with people like you.
earlier this week this week I was shouted down in the reply section to your POS post when I brought up any questions about Jackie's story. Basic questions. I wonder if all those rabid "rape culture" warriors will take time to apologize to me and the other sane skeptics the way you have. Thank you Anna for the quick…
She managed to ruin frat life at UVA without accusing anyone specifically by name. It isn't necessary to name names to have a real effect on people's lives.
Wow. That's 2 for 2 now. I said in the other thread that the whole 'Something happened', I don't know what exactly but I'm sure 'something happened' brought up shades of Mike Nifong and it's true. When you're forced to backpeddle to 'something happened', chances are good you've screwed up something major and are just…
You were dead fucking wrong. I appreciate you saying as much, takes guts. But at the same time maybe from now on we can actually listen to people instead of bashing them because they offer a different viewpoint. Those "idiots" brought up legitimate viewpoints but you chose to ignore them because you didn't like the…
This is a tough one. I have to say this though - whenever anyone in the comments section even touches ever so slightly on possibly questioning anything about a rape victim's story - ANYTHING - they are roundly shouted down by most of the other commenters and labeled "victim-blamers". I think there's a general tone on…
"i do group rides on my bicycle, as a law abiding bunch of urban explorers..."
Maybe the issue is I have a different idea of what "accepting an apology" means. Accepting an apology has never meant to me the actual belief that someone has changed on the inside. It means that you are willing to consider it a possibility and let them demonstrate that they have over time.
You have to admit though the over the topness of both Globalbeet and Norwoodismyhero bring up a great dialogue about apologies. And how we as a society view them, what makes them acceptable, and so on. :)
Oh, puh-leeze. Quit setting up straw men.
So someone apologizes for making a racist remark with an actual apology instead of the typical non-apology bullshit we see, and he makes something of a gesture to help an organization that promotes diversity, and your response is that he can take it and shove it?
Damn. Excellent! Probably the best thing I've read on GM. Holy shit. I have to think about that for a minute.