
Some people think that this effect is what 4K means(and 1080P for some people).  “The Picture is so clear, look at it!” is what I hear.  It looks terrible though

I always feel like a crazy person when I point this out to people. How it looks like a soap opera. But they usually say “Eh...I just got used to it.”

The SOB should’ve been run out on a rail after he played a role in Phil Hartman’s death by causing his wife/murderer to relapse.

“In the ‘70s, all the girlfriends I got was by kissing and licking their cheek.”

My only issue with an actual Kara-Lena romance is that it would take the focus away from Alex’s amazing, ongoing coming-out storyline and coming to terms with that aspect of her life & her relationship(s?). I don’t want Kara to overshadow her in her love life, too, as she inevitably does in pretty much all other ways.

I was coming here to say the same. Let James go back to Metropolis. There’s enough of a supporting cast without him. But I also liked Mon-El (a Legionnaire on TV!), and they got rid of him, so the producers seem to have different ideas.

Frankly, I think Lena already supplants much of James role in the show.

At least Mon-El can be fun on occasion until they turned him into a love struck dork.

Without Cat Grant around, Snapper provides a much-needed “I don’t care if I’m on a CW show - get your relationship drama out of my office” voice for the show.

And without the left-punching and factual errors that almost every other article about Chapo has.