
Wouldn't cane sugar be healthier than the high-fructose corn syrup that goes into a lot of foods?

I'm not really pleased with either of these. Community ratings pls

Kinja is the whole cms. So buy ads on AVC vs buy ads on our whole suite of sites.

?? I was on there for a while. It was very personal and dramatic, I left during the big mod to-do.

A++. It's always refreshing and heartening when a dude stands up to this kind of thing.

“This is a very straightforward case. If you have sexual relations with someone when they’re out, when they’re asleep, when they’re unconscious, that’s a crime.”

Ugh, no one wants to eat that Soylent.

Young Girl

There aren't many eyes on it.

During the last change they mentioned that the comments/commentors are actually a tiny % of traffic. Kinja = more ad dollars.

Too much drama. We're just going to have to all go outside and talk to actual other humans in person.

He was a Canadian hero!

Yep. Hell, I'm a woman who does hug, but only friends and close family and I still have a reputation for being cold.

The new young on my team at work loves them and goes to their shows constantly.

My cat was seriously unimpressed with the 52-hz whale.

Man, those people suck. You've got this little ball of fur that freaking adores you and is part of your routine every day for years. Of course letting go is going to be hard.

Nah, it's just to pull it inline with the rest of Gawker media + increase potential ad revenue.

She was clearly taken aback. She said she'd been in the states recently and hadn't caught up on the trial, and couldn't comment. It was a really weird audience, like half the young professionals/feminists/female managers you'd expect, and then half randos/the least feminist people I've ever met.