Ah yes, Kinja is the bullshit garbage on Gizmodo etc. It's so hard to follow conversations.
Ah yes, Kinja is the bullshit garbage on Gizmodo etc. It's so hard to follow conversations.
Didn't they already try that and it was an unreadable garbage fire?
So after the Ghomeshi trial, I was at a discussion for a book that had come out about sex + harassment in the workplace. During the q&a, this woman puts up her hand and asks the author to comment on the trial + answer "why all those woman would lie about something like that. Do you think it's for attention?"
Design-by-committee is a good way to feel like your soul is being sucked out via your tear ducts.
It is super bad. As a designer, I could never figure out why so much big entertainment design is hot garbage while smaller gigs will bust out posters that are really interesting + well done.
Thank fuck.
?? That is the proof tho
Was there anything radder than coloured/clear cassettes? Cassettes + foldout lyric/covers were one of the things that got me interested in design. See also: video game manuals.
I multitask porn all the time, but I'm into like, slashy fanfic.
Even then, they'd be like "Oh, what, you liberals can't appreciate art? Obviously this giant installation is just White House lawn talk."
Nice, I signed up for a 30-day trial based on your reco.
Silent movies, classics, random old action flicks. Basically I want a subscription to an old corner store movie rental place.
I'd happily pay up to about $30 for Netflix/Netflix-ish. Especially if someone managed to to just start tossing old, cancelled shows onto streaming. But cable wants 3x that and for me to have a tv. This goddamn millennial is too busy buying expensive cheese and avocado toast for that nonsense.
“They win some and they lose some.”
I have a fantastic fondant recipe that uses marshmallows as a base and is legit edible + enjoyable.
Dune is children's lit? Man, I'd be okay with a guy telling me his favourite book was Dune.
I'm convinced my 4.79 rider rating isn't higher because I basically "mmhmm" my way through 95% of uber driver chats.
They have infinite patience and empathy for spoilt, greedy, rotten jerks in power, but everyone else can suck it. How does it make sense to hold those with the most power, responsibility, and ability to impact, to the lowest possible standard?
So when Rob "Fucking" Ford was mayor, I said he'd have to murder someone on the steps of city hall to actually get booted from office. Then the drinking and corruption and racism and crack tape scandals all happened… and it dawned on me that he could goddamn murder someone on the steps of city hall and still be mayor.