
I love the White Noise app. You can mix n match too. Fall asleep to Frogs and Coyotes in the Rain on a Brazilian Beach.

This version is listenable, unlike the original.

Because they have some rappers branding on them?

Fun =/= Batman's child molester voice?

It was the other one on the show, the blonde one.

Why are you having intimate relations with trees?

YOUR MOM! Well HIS mom actually.

People said more or less the same about bookstores. People still read, they just order from Amazon or download to their Kindle.

You are in the minority. PC games are the same way now - relegated to a shelf at Best Buy. Of course PC titles still sell well, they are just bought digitally.

Stop bashing these movies! If it weren't for them, there'd be nothing on Netflix.

I did, but then she held the knife to my throat and repeated her demands.

Ditto. Now I have to deal with my daughter harassing me every 5 minutes for Groot toys.