
This may also represent a portion of people who still do the actual DVD through the mail portion of the service. Yes that’s still a thing. I can remember way back when I first subscribed and that was all Netflix was I had several periods where I went long periods, up to a couple of months, without putting anything

Finally a benefit of having Comcast!

Peacock hasn’t officially launched? I’ve had it on my Xfinity system for 2-3 weeks already.

Well except for those clones specifically tinkered with by the Kamino cloners, like the Bad Batch.

Not to mention ample tracts of land

Simple answer - cause it’s a movie and it looked cool!

“Impossible to miss”

Actually, Phantom Menace has the most miniature work of any Star Wars movie, including the original trilogy (also something stated in these shows).  I think what we see there was a very good blend of the use of CGI and miniatures.

I have to admit, there are definitely things I like about this movie. I enjoyed the movie much more before I read the books!

This is pretty much EXACTLY the take on the Jedi that Dave Filoni gave on the second behind the scenes Mandalorian special on Disney+

I wish the SSC (Super-conducting Super Collider) was on this list instead of the Large Hadron Collider.

There are certain movies that truly deserve to be viewed on a giant screen - Avengers, Start Wars, come to mind. Those are the movies I usually went to theaters for.

No lie, I got that tingle in the back of my head just seeing that clip!

It’s not so much that A slice of pizza is healthy or unhealthy.

Store bough pancake mixes are a blank slate for flavors. My go to is adding vanilla extract to a buttermilk pancake mix, but really any flavor extract is a possibility.

I always assumed Lembas bread was kind of like hard tact, but actually palatable.

Lol I think casting Sean Bean was all the spoiler you needed for Ned Starks fate!!

Please no weirding module, please no weirding module, please no weirding module.....

I don’t know maybe I’m old, or OCD, but it freaks me out to have more than 4-5 tabs open at a time, so while cool, I doubt I’ll end up using this feature much.

The better question is if Dave ever settled the question of how you’re expected to work on the Wang when you were trained on the IBM?