

Anyone suddenly hungry for soup?

I really hope people haven’t been swimming in that pond.

Who doesn’t want out of MIA?

Have you seen the Browns teams over the last 9 years?

This!  I’ve got two kids in college, both on the same family plan.

I’d assume they would probably look at position over time and not just single positions.

The test objects are accelerated using a rocket powered “pusher” sled that runs on the track. The track itself has been lengthened over time to the current length. For deceleration, it depends on the tests. Speed tests like this one are one-off sacrificial tests, the sled is destroyed on impact.

I will give the early iPhones their due. They may not have technically been the first smart phone, but I will say the iPhone was the first smartphone that was clean, sleek and easy to use for the non-business user.

Or just pop in a MicroSD card and have all the space.... oh wait.  Nevermind.

How about not supporting a MicroSD?  

Lol, sorry. And my apologies to Lindsay for incorrectly assuming he was a she.

Did you not read the article? Niggard and niggardly DO NOT share the shame root as the N-word.

Um she refers to herself as a Black Briton. And if someone was of European descent, but born, lived, spoke and self identified as Japanese, I would call them Japanese.

After the Washington mayoral candidate this in 1999, a Baltimore radio show (Kirk, Mark and Lopez, if anyone remembers) discussed this exact issue.

“rubbed off”  take that back

Well even without kids you should be able to save money on toiletries, laundry detergent, etc. Those things that don’t have a shelf life.

But where do you stand on the limited run, Chocolate lovers/Peanut butter lovers versions?

Frozen Snickers are my go to candy. Not only does the textures change, but to me the taste changes. Maybe it’s that the layers don’t mix the same way, so you taste them more individually that mixed. Not really sure.  And yes these aren’t for the weak toothed (remember molars are your friend)

Well I never said whether he’d be convicted, and if convicted, whether he’d spend any significant time in jail. But he’s already been charged with a crime, arrested, and had his name forever linked (on the internet) to what he’s accused of having done. In this information age, that is a consequence. Not the least he