
Can we add a normalization feature for the audio? Watching Endgame the other day, I was constantly turning it up to head talking then, desperately turning it down when the next action sequence shook the house.

This article is 20 years too late for some of us.

Just being anal, but why are all the # signs so weird in the article?

Lol I have relatives whose last name is Cieslak (pronounced Cheshlok in Polish). But Americanized is pronounced See-Slak. Close enough for us to greet them with the Sellstak Hiss.


For me this would be a really easy way to get busy with tasks 1 through 3 and forget what task 4 was when it disappeared off the list.

Technically not the “one knee into the ground” superhero landing though.


No, trust me I lived it and you really, really don’t

They can also come in thru “shared” calendars. So if you have linked your calendar to someone else, or an organization, etc. the spam might have originated there.

Palpatine (or his clone) learned from the failure of the first two Death Stars.  It’s easier to destroy one facility than it is to wipe out a fleet of hundreds.  The First Order idealizes the “Empire” and would want to emulate and surpass their achievements, which means outdoing the Death Star.

I’d like to submit - mozzarella sticks

That’s gonna be hell on the driveway

Sewage overflows during extreme events is a pretty common occurrence in almost every town that runs a combined sewer/sanitary system. Not to say it’s not nasty but it’s not something really out of the ordinary for these types of systems.

Just put the damn panel on the side of the road in the right of way.  Where they can be positioned most efficiently, are not subject to damage from vehicle transit, etc.  In Massachusetts the DOT is starting to utilize large areas of land inside highway exits/entrances for solar farms.

Umm they would convert the DC power generated by solar panels to AC for any sort of transmission.

The issue with a heavy switch to solar is that there’s a distinct lack of storage built into the current grid in the US. So it’s great to have all this solar power generated during a sunny day, but without an ability to store any excess power, what do you do when it’s cloudy, or you know night time.

In addition to all this, kids today don’t communicate with each other the same way they did 15 years ago. To not have a phone (at least after say 12-13) is to be an absolute pariah among the rest of the kids. I know that’s a peer pressure argument, but it’s a legitimate one.

Do they still do the statues of the new versions?  Just thinking what one for Android 10 would look like

My favorite part of DC is the Intersections of the State Avenues (think rectangles). It’s always fun to try to explain to someone why you need to make a turn to stay on the road you were on. Nothing more fun that to have a friend call you to explain how they came into the city on New York Ave. and the next thing they