
Could Picard use Data’s collected memories to create a holodeck version of him to discuss things with?  It might explain the uniform, as it would match with Data’s last “memories” of himself and likely be what the program uses to reconstruct himself.  You’d have to ask, how self aware a holodeck “Data” would be.

Is it me or is that a Very friendly steering wheel?  I’m gonna call him Wheelie!!

OOOOOHHHH the possibility for the rare, double gag.  Wasted

Love the Lego X-Files.  Lost slight points by having the real pics in the ID’s though.

I honestly wouldn’t mind that expanded to also be a requirement for being able to vote as well.  

Unfortunately, being born here means you can be a dump as dirt and still have all the privileges of citizenship.

I’d give it a 1.5 on the box of tissue scale. 

No, no......leave the sweater on!

So as a child of the 70's is this what the Fonz tastes like?

Leave the silk on the cob, that way you floss while you eat.  Time saver!!

You guys might be poised on the cusp of a resurrection, this from a Ravens fan.  But I can understand the doubting Thomas approach (I’m also a O’s fan)

But you’ll only go to Valhalla if you die a warriors death.  So grab that battle axe and get to warrioring.

Actual recording “One small step for a computer simulation. One giant leap for mankind”

nuts and balls ignore at your own peril

But does it have the matching burgandy vinyl flooring? Or for those with the cash the 1/2" shag carpeting in the “luxury model”?

Unfortunately, it was more what “we can accomplish before those damn dirty Russians beat us to it”  In many ways the space race, at least thru the mid to late 1960's was the public “hot” tip of the cold war.

You can buy the Cheddar Bay Biscuit mix to make at home.  We love it! Load them up with your favorite shredded cheese (sprinkle some on top).  Bake then slather them in melted butter with the “seasonings mix” added in. Artery clogging good!

Now I miss my Bronco II. It was the first car I bought out of college, in 1995. Same exterior color but a deep burgundy interior.  Bought a ‘89 with 125k miles on it and put another 125k in the next 3 years. Plus two clutches, a full set of brakes and 2 sets of tires.

More like 8.5 ash ponds are alkaline not acidic.  A good way to deeply exfoliate.  You know like the full depth of your skin exfoliation.

I just switched one of my monitors to a vertical orientation.  I did it initially to save desk space, I’d changed offices and the new desks were smaller.  But I LOVE it.