
That’s what I’d call the “Screaming F You at the TV” ending

Is it just me or did the blood and dirt on Arya’s face at the end very eerily mirror the scarring on the Hound’s face?

They’re rich, so likely well marbled with fat.  Think Prime Rib night and tip accordingly

If you have to start a sentence with a statement that you don’t intend to offend someone, guess what you KNOW what you’re about to say if offensive or inappropriate. So just don’t

That is pretty much exactly why Spiderman is so popular. I don’t know of many other comics where I’ve read the hero worried abotu money problems, while physically battling a supervillian. He’s got all the problems we “norms” have on top of everything else

Totally besides the point, but can I asked when did the “OK” finger thing start getting associated with white supremacists?  I only heard of it the other day with the guy at the Cubs game.   

Buy a $15k fishing boat, $2k in outdoor clothes and boots and a $5.99 bag of chick-o-stick or those orange styrofoam (technically marshmallow) peanuts.  

Lobsterhole, as a proud Baltimoron living in MA I take offense that crabs are so disparaged in this remark

I’m curious what this means contractually? I’ve got no idea what his deal was, how it was structured, etc.

I think one of the biggest things to consider is are you happy driving the same car for 7-10 years or are you planning on a new car ever 3-5 yrs? To me, if you’re planning on getting a new car often, especially if you’re someone who would trade your car in while still in the payment period over and over, leasing

You know the Binnington penalty on Bishop really makes me think that there should be instances where goalies have to serve their own penalties.

Soften up? You mean you don’t just crunch them into little pieces and swallow the jagged edged mass whole?

Finger guns?

Love these. Not a “mainstream” candy, but you can find them in some really odd places.  Once got a 5lb bag of them at a Bass Pro Shops in VA Beach.  

It also explains how immediately Steve can do everything Thor used to with the hammer, the spin, throw, control during flight, etc.

This is pretty much any party with my Italian in-laws.

Was it riding It’s a Small World, 12 times in a row that tipped them off.

There is an extremely poor taste joke in there about Germans and ovens

I’d bet more often than not it’s older people who grew up in the age of land lines and no caller 

Grill tongs to the family jewels