
You know we are assuming that Cap went back and spent the rest of his life with Peggy.


Must be a sad season, they’re all so blue on the Agents of SHIELD poster.

For some reason this makes the devil on my left shoulder want to bring in a bowl of noodles and slurp loudly

Trip him.  All’s fair in love and a bear attack

Check out the times posted on the YouTube video. Low 10's aren’t slow times for high school students and he blew them away

At least they weren’t crazy enough to try to cross the streams

Hadn’t seen the previews.

I was thinking this too then....boom...Hail Hydra

Brienne has Oathkeeper. I’m pretty sure this was mentioned in the show recently. Either that or with all the fan theories and stuff on sites like this my mortal mind is confused.

I think I’d shout a few four letter words then throw my remote at the TV if that’s the way the series ends.

Is Jon’s dragon still living? I’ll be honest trying to follow which dragon was which when he fought the Night King in the air was tough, but the crash was pretty horrific.

Do dragons eat carrion?

Did they establish if Jon’s dragon Rhaegal died? It seemed like at least it was horribly wounded.

Bonfire anyone?

I had assumed someone had burnt their ear with a hash brown and sued McDonald’s when I clicked the link for this. Slightly disappointed truth be told.

It’s the redheaded step child of superhero movies this year

Can we ask why someone would give notice and apparently not have another job lined up?

Why would you give notice (60 days of it) if it seems like you don’t have another job lined up?

It’s all a plan. The O’s are wearing the other teams down by pitching 9 innings of batting practice. Like in the home run hitting contest, by late August the rest of the leagues hitters are gonna be REALLY tired!