
Its purposefully corporatist/centrist/establishment. In no way, shape, or form do they speak for the left. This is the paper that said their job is to state the White House position, not to question it. Look at their editorial board - this is not the fucking paper of the people 

White supremicist = racist

‘I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong.’

Yeah, no. This has always been a problem for the party. Blaming it on Bernie or Tom Perez is passing the buck. In fact, HRC and other “moderate” dems contributed quite a lot to the problem from the 90's till now by falling lockstep into the drug war and “law and order” push.

Delete “white” from “white working class”. The vast majority of us are working class. Both parties have abandoned the working class and we have seen the American Dream erode. Hearing party leaders pay lip service to the latest political buzz phrase is patronizing to us all. I’m glad that people are starting to see

I’ll confess I haven’t read the speech in a bit of time, but I don’t remember Dr. King’s speech reading, “I have a dream, but it isn’t politically expedient right now, so I’ll compromise at a random thought in order to not have a nightmare.”

To quote my father, “Can’t never could”. I keep reading a whole lot of “unachievable” or “impossible in today’s climate” and other such bullshit excuses. If you’re only asking “can” and never bothering with “how”, then you’re dooming everything to failure from the getgo.

I’m with you. The end of slavery was a pipe dream. The end of Jim crow was a pipe dream. The voting rights act was a pipe dream. But people put their lives and their lively hoods on a pipe dream and some of them lived to see it.

A pyramid seems rather harsh. Let’s compromise, I’m thinking an unlimited supply of Two-Buck Chuck and a vast expanse of woods. Hillary and Bill can live out their days as drunken woodsmen, while Chelsea and her hedge fund must sign a blood pact with the American people declaring never to run for office, lest they

If Obama had lost to McCain, Hillary would’ve been on an “I told you so” tour.

Nick Clegg, is that you? I was wondering what happened to you after you sold out your constituents and single-handedly made your party irrelevant.

The dem’s need to damn well stop expecting minorities to vote for them just because they are not republicans. I’m not going to be a hostage for a few social provisions just so they can turn around and glad hand wall street. At least with Republicans I damn well know where they stand.

I swear can we just have the Clintons locked in a pyramid forever? It wasn’t James Comey and the Russians that made you spend most of the campaign selling access in the Hamptons to Jimmy Buffet while the tangerine terror was barnstorming the midwest. Your legacy is losing what should have been an electoral slam dunk