
I, for one, fully support a never ending marathon of Davey & Goliath. But I still like Seinfeld!

Deal broken! Just kidding. You're right. Reba is not offensive. Just bland.

I know what you mean. My wife has reasons for liking each show she watches, but for the most part I think she just puts this stuff on to turn her brain off. I have things like that, too. I enjoy Point Break for example, but even when I try and turn off my brain I find that little spec of genius or a possible

I had a ton of these. I basically shut out anybody that liked stuff like Britney Spears, JT and Who's The Boss. OK, I occasionally watched Who's The Boss and was entertained by it from time to time, but I would never come out and say, "Who's the Boss is a consistently entertaining show that I look forward to watching