Lots of PED use, yo . . .
Lots of PED use, yo . . .
Another reason you haven’t mentioned is that if someone is truly driven by money (and many are) what incentive do they have once they’ve made a billion? Many just stop working and we lose whatever they would have produced if they had been incentivized to keep working.
Well, you see, you cited an article that’s not from “Inequality.com” so I tend to believe your article is at least slightly more objective than the other guy’s.
Ha! Never heard that idea before but I like it. I don’t know how you’d go about implementing it but it truly does make a lot of sense.
I kinda like your approach. Just be a fan of ALL teams. Who’s to say that’s wrong?
Pffftt . . . If the game’s a tense, 2-0 duel featuring a rookie I’ve never seen throwing lights-out stuff I go straight to sleep. #BORING If you like sporting events like this, I’ve only got one thing to say to you. #SAD!
I remember seeing that and wondering if they were showing Jake legging it out in slow-motion or if that was real speed. He had bad knees so it could have been either.
That plan only works if her jokes are actually funny and the audience just gives her a hard time. I don’t think that’s how it played out.
Sociopathy is fun! Ask any sociopath!
You have to realize who her target audience is. To that demographic, those book titles are the absolute height of wit. There’s a lot of money to be had playing up to the rubes. I’m not sure I agree with you that Coulter is all an act, but I don’t really have any evidence you’re wrong, either.
I find your comments problematic . . .
She looks amazingly like a drunk, half-dessicated horse.
OK, you horse fucker.
Big shout out to Pereira for knowing an underrated, obscure Dylan song. Well done, Chief.
Well, if only friends can be involved in a Roast then Coulter would never get to be a part of one since she’s a friendless bitch.
No doubt. I heard some of the jokes about Rob Lowe were so far below the belt that the audience repeatedly gasped (I guess many statutory rape jokes were made but haven’t seen it myself) and Lowe laughed along with it. That’s the point of a Roast. If you can’t stand the heat . . .
I agree with you across the board. My main question when I read about this was “Why in crikey fuck is Anne Coulter at a CC Roast? That’s NOT her element.”
I didn’t see the Roast, but all those jokes are genuinely funny when directed at Coulter.
I’d say you’re objectively correct.
After reading the last book (which I hated) I’m convinced Martin does not have an editor.