Lex Luthor's Saintly Twin

Fuck your precious little angels. And their grandparents. And you.

I know many boxing and MMA enthusiasts emphasize what a strong position McKenzie’s in here:

It may not have been a prison beating, but he gave him the stinky hand to start, landed two good shots, and turtled him.

I can’t believe you didn’t mention that his old man was involved in JFK’s assassination, Burneko.

I don’t think he was trying to draw Reaves. Reaves just suddenly showed up and put a beating on him.

No, you’re tolerable and are just arguing a point. Martin fanboys are intolerable and treat the books like religious tomes or something.


I hated the “Sand Snakes” and always thought they sounded like villains from a G.I. Joe comic book. Just a ridiculous bunch of crap.

The first three books were good, the fourth was blah, and the last one was god awful. You’re really going to argue that the whole Quentyn storyline was good? (f)Aegon? No way. Urine Greyjoy on a boat with a magic horn? No way. No way. NO WAY!

Their day is done! At one point, each of those groups did indeed wear the Most Annoying Internet Monsters. Now? Martin fanboys.

You, Sir, are wrong. Martin fanboys are truly the worst, particularly the book purists. They’re truly the bottom o’ the barrel.

The dragons act way better than Emilia Clarke can.

Ha! I loved the first book. But if you thought the first book was bad, you should get a load of the last one. It’s an enormous, nut-filled turd. It’s bad by any measure.

As someone that has read all five books, I strongly urge you to stop reading after SoS. The next one is, at best, pretty boring and the last one is a total and complete piece of shit.

I’m pretty sure that all the Gawker sites are running posts like these simply to torment all the insufferable Martin fanboys. It’s like the piece Marchman did earlier where he e-mailed Martin and did a story about it.

No. No. No. There’s absolutely nothing compelling about Urine Greyjoy bearing down on Mereen in a boat with a magic horn that kills whoever blows on it. In a series that has seriously gone off the rails, that whole thing is the dumbest of all. I hope that guy sticks the horn up his ass.

Some people don’t watch the show for the boobz but tune in instead to see all the dix and cox.

You’re kidding, right? Personally, I thought all 800 pages or so (at least it seemed like that many) of Quentyn’s “adventure” was amazing. Just thinking about it gives me such a rock hard erection that I could use my dick to drive a nail through a nine-inch steel beam. Seriously, Quentyn’s tale was soooooooooooooooooo

I agree, but I didn’t mind last season of GoT too much. It was a drop-off, but definitely had some great moments.

Is this your first experience with Martin fanboys? Seriously, they’re the worst thing on the internet. Any time someone criticizes their Dipshit Messiah or this trashy fantasy series that’s a genuine guilty pleasure, they lose what passes for their mind.