
I’m laughing at the people asking where’s the men’s curfew. It’s not even illegal to rape women(may as well be), what makes you think they are gonna impose a curfew? There’s no rationality to rape culture, stop with the righteous indignation. It’s like if I went up and punched a brick wall and said,”wow, this stupid

Yeah but Snyder thinks he’s doing the right thing. York doesn’t give a shit.

I may be wrong. I could swear this happened. I can picture the pilot being interviewed in my minds eye. And it does seem you’re right that they never flew f-16s. So maybe my brain is making the whole thing up. I took something from some place else and edited it. I was sure.

I remember seeing it on the news when it happened. Saddam stopped sending planes into the air shortly after.

They did during the first gulf war.

>>> “There was a lot going on there for four minutes,” SEPTA Police Chief Tom Nestel III said. “There are two sides to every story and it would be a smart move on the person who punched to come in and tell his side before we get the victim and hear his side.”<<< never talk to the cops

Wow! Thats the first ive heard with numbers. He says 3-4 miles. That video is pretty damn good for 3-4 miles out.

That’s right, zero kills to fighter ace in 30 minutes. I think they can use them just fine.

Are you forgetting the Saudi pilot in an F-16 who shot down 5 Iraqi jets in one engagement

You are exactly right. And what does Saudi do when we don’t put up the cash? They do it themselves. Lord knows they have trillions laying around.

Well well, look at that, we don’t HAVE TO be the ones to fork out the money this time. We don’t HAVE TO go into fkin Syria, the Fuck Story Quagmire that will happen there. It’s funny that we are pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan and the place is still as messed up without us policing it as if we were. All the

What people don’t seem to realize is that Russia and China build crap. I’m not being jingoistic here. There’s no Congress breathing down their throats to make it right. No lawyers to sue them if it isn’t. Or maybe I’m wrong about the reasons but the fact remains these people produce shit. Any shooting war that happens

And thats what 17 year olds say.

AND nobody ever pokes holes in the fact that Padme dies of a broken heart. No, the love for her unborn and then actually born children wash away any suicidal thoughts. Yeah, she will miss and pine for him but she’s on to taking care of those babies. 1-3 are pure shit.

But you wouldn’t be saying this if they(I, II, III) were fkin awesome.

Disagree Burneko, when Vader asks Luke to join him-on the ledge, he has already lowered his guard. Luke coming back as a full Jedi is a continuation of that conversation that Vader himself started already.

Follow with me. Lucas makes ‘Howard the Duck’. He thinks ducks are funny. Horrible movie. Look at Lucas, his upper lip kind of looks like a duck’s bill. He makes the prequels and wants to inject some humor, what’s his go to? Ducks, or at least duck bills in the Binks character. Lucas equates Ducks to humor. Donald

This is the shit that scares me as a parent. Not that my daughter will get hurt and need stitches in her chin(actually that does scare me). That it will be recorded and I’ll see it and find the little bastard who made a bad choice, then proceed to kick his 10 year old head off his fkin shoulders. Then I’ll spend the

Dood, its a broken CV otherwise known as a constant velocity joint. I think, crap, I don’t know if its the CV or the small axle that the CV hooks to. Ok, I looked at your video, yeah I think you broke the axle in the IRS trailing arm. CV is fine, I Imagine you can get to all of that by going through the brake.