
Its a trainer, regardless you will never see the wing tips on a functional u-2. Just odd is all.

TBH, the throwing on the couch was minor compared to the full on man portioned ass kicking he gave her.

okies, thanks

Notice you never see the wingtips of a U-2. Unless its from far away.

Thank you for the article. I’m not saying this to be a dick. It really is a request. I would like to click on your story from Jalopnik and not be directed to NBC New Yorks page. Also, if there is a video please include it in your story’s page. Thank you.

Actually there’s a deal that they can have Polanski but they have to keep Woody Allen as a condition.

I don’t mind this guy driving that car. What irks me is hollywood buying 3 of 5 different types of classic car and destroying most of them in one picture.

What car?

In high school my buddy had one and we delivered pizzas. After the place closed and we’d be all drunk in the parking lot. He would get it going backwards, pull it out of gear, put it in first, then jerk the clutch. If he did it just right, it would pop this big wheelie. Was real cool til it ripped out a U-joint. No

Why do I inherently want the bad guy to get away? For a few short seconds on the first time I saw the video, I wanted the vehicle be some kind of amphibian hybrid. Hit the water, keep going and disappear into the ocean. Alas, stupid reality.

Pointless indeed. Sabre rattling.

ikr, pick a fkin lane

So I’m thinking a close up of the guys face not good at this point? Just sayin

Sound reminds me of my(when I was 18) Karman Ghia with an 1835cc and dual 44 IDF Webers.

I’ve always heard people say you can’t kill a Toyota. Irony

Teenager with mental health problems, kind of redundant.

Whatever happened to the old “Employees not eligible”

Narcos owns.

He’s got a broken heart. I joke but it seems like he doesn’t have his heart in the whole affair.

The Fox TV report mentions nothing about the race of the girl. Jezebel is obviously race baiting here. How would we all react if there was no mention of the girl being white? Now answer me this as well, when you saw the TV report, would your first question be; was the girl white?