
Well that answers that

Are you from the 1990's?

I agree FWIW. Though I think Titanfall looks interesting at the very least.

You say "letting the dev decide" but really it's shrugging off any responsibility so that the onus is on the developer. They make the dev the bad guy if they want to charge for a license transfer. However, it's Microsoft that is enabling the dev to charge fees... this is still on Microsoft.

1. D3 isn't a MMO.

Okay, fine. Let's say it's 300k a year. That's three Lead Programmers. four to six Designers or Associate Producers... times how many locations? Five or six?

Closing the kitchen would probably result in one person keeping their job. Having something like a kitchen that offers great food that is complimentary does wonders for morale for an entire company, and is probably worth that one person they could have kept.

Great reply. I'm a former QA guy, now an Associate Producer. It can be done, and I see it all the time.

You can't unionize a workforce that is largely just unskilled labor. There are a million dudes lining up to test video games. They have working hands, eyes, and can read and write - which is essentially all you need to become a tester.

It would not be possible to ship a AAA title without contract employees in QA. You can't hire 50 full time guys and keep them around when the game ships. Unless we start charging 120 bucks a game, and even then we're not going to break even.

Same, been playing the hell out of Duel of Champions. I dropped a pretty penny too...

I'm still using my 1st gen Halo XBOX with an adapter, because it hasn't died yet. Should I throw it away and go buy a new one, because it has wireless built in? Jesus, what a stupid comment.

Yeah? How's that global economy working for you? Oh right, they disabled that. Leaderboards? Disabled too.

amazon payments is down.


Sometimes I wish people would just turn off parts of their brain and simply enjoy what they're experiencing. We read so much in to things sometimes... keep it simple. Did you enjoy your time playing the game? (or rather... CAN you enjoy your time? Or are you trying to analyze every second of your playtime, every

GH was dead after Harmonix left, dude. They are the undisputed king of music games (yes, better than Konami in their hey-day even)

Rule #1: If you can hear your guitar, you need to crank the volume on your TV waaaay up. It's the only way to play.

Another person who does not grasp how a development studio works. Do you think the guy in Marketing / PR is also a programmer for CM? Jesus Christ.

It's a shame that for all our innovation and technological feats, we still can't escape the shittiness of our current battery tech.