Another person who does not grasp how a development studio works. Do you think the guy in Marketing / PR is also a programmer for CM? Jesus Christ.
Another person who does not grasp how a development studio works. Do you think the guy in Marketing / PR is also a programmer for CM? Jesus Christ.
It's a shame that for all our innovation and technological feats, we still can't escape the shittiness of our current battery tech.
forget the Raiden, show me dat Samus
That's a first gen, I drive a second gen. They seem a lot better - I personally love the car.
SR3 was great because it was so over the top. I haven't laughed like that during a video game in forever.
Don't buy it. Don't reward them, this game is awful.
Just because you've been trained to expect them doesn't mean they should happen. These are multi-million dollar companies with a very large infrastructure and a lot of resources. They are cutting corners on the first few weeks in order to save money, putting the burden on you.
Ask yourself this: would this type of thing be acceptable with any other product that you own?
Of all of the things they announced for the PS4, the "Share" functionality has to be my least anticipated.
Alesmith FTW. Speedway Stout seems a fitting beer for you Jalopniks.
I recall Lost Planet having a very cool snow level. You'd run around in knee deep snow and it would deform. Looked very cool.
Tokyo Drift was awful and I totally love it.
Meetings. Because none of us is as dumb as all of us.
I need to literally be having fun within the first 15 minutes. Everyone is about League of Legends, so I download and play the tutorial.
I think you're finding a specific issue, where there isn't one. But that's your prerogative.
Not gonna lie, I did the same exact thing.
Calm down, Arielle.
There are no women on the Internet.