
What "shit they caused" before? They're not allowed to focus on stopping users who pirate their software without paying for it?

Yeah, much like Michael Turner, they passed away far too young. I miss both of those guys' art.

I grew up on his art. Him and J. Scott Campbell influenced me greatly.

I loved Mike Weirnigo's stuff. RIP buddy... taken too soon.

You mean Eve Holt.

The problem is Giz has a problem with people using he camera that was included with their iPad.

I feel the same way. It's gross, no wait... it's almost kinda hot. It's totally both.

First car was a 87 Mazda RX-7 Turbo. A little too much car for me at the time, but damn it was fun.

He did something no other man has done. Could you jump out of a balloon of a height of 130,000 feet, freefall for five minutes, and exceed the speed of sound?

SimCity 4 has not aged well. I was playing the FB version, and got all nostalgic, so I bought it.

Yep. Good stuff, and worth it.

This game continues to amaze me. Especially since I think it's incredibly boring.

This guy needs a fucking wheelbarrow to carry his giant balls around.

Import the official Sony wireless microphones from Europe. They're really good... I have no idea why they didn't come out in the US.

I tried this and absolutely nothing happened. Seriously.

It's naked phones or nothing.

Free speech is what it is. You can't have Free Speech "your way." Do I make rape jokes? Nah.

Wrong according to who?

I was all set to get the Galaxy S3, but my work only allows work email on iOS or Blackberry. So I had to get the iPhone 5.

No one can be January Jones bad...