
Except that you're going to sell Zynga versions of those games to people who would otherwise not buy them.

Are you being sarcastic? It's a great idea.

Kissing on the lips is not inherently sexual; at least that's now how I was raised.

Kiss on cheek is okay, but moving an inch to the lips DEAR GOD, SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN.

"Gross and disturbing." Really?

Regardless on if you like it or not, Marketing works.

Jumped does not mean rape.

Horrible graphics eh? If you say so.

No problem. Twat.

You could always just read Kotaku Core. Prick.

Once you see his interactions with Captain America, he will be cemented in your brain as an awesome character.

There's another one like this too. You get an AI core, and it keeps trying to kill you. Eventually it gives up, and asks to be installed in a gun or a shield.

Did you check Track by reference, and put in your phone number.

Why do you think it is that another developer has not copied this type of game (FPS + RPG.) It seems like such a great fit.

No Panorama, no 3D maps, no turn by turn on iPhone 4. Why the fuck did I even upgrade?

And by scene, do you mean you pirated it? You seem to enjoy it, so please spend the money on it and support game developers.

"Wake me up when we're back to black and white moving pictures with no audio."

Not a fan of how they turned a simple iphone game in to a multi-million dollar company, with clothing, toy, etc contracts?

I don't give a shit about having the phone because it's a new iPhone. I have a 4 (not a 4s) and I want the upgrade.

Maybe you have giant ear canals? I always found them to be quite painful.