
Same. I feel like shit after I work out. It's even worse if I do it in the morning. I work out, cool down, get the in the shower, and still feel like I'm cooling off. I think I sweat more once I get out of the shower. That just puts me in a shitty mood at work.

Avery Brooks is the best Captain. There I said it.

I love that stuff.

This is the only Parabola that is important.

Never been a fan of watches. As someone who is on a PC all day long, it always made my wrist uncomfortable. That's not to say I don't own any, but that's only because my father in law is a jeweler :)

Haha, what? Do you know how successful Eve Online is?

Do you like nice things? If so, don't get a cat.

Agree completely. Also, nice Utada avatar :)

See. Now that is hot.

I saw literally hundreds of people wearing these at this years Comic-Con.

Marvel and their movies were just a complete mess in the 90's. I remember reading about how a James Cameron Spidey movie was all set to go... back in like 1995 or something.

Well for what it's worth, I'd much rather see pictures of what you're eating, than your godamn kids.

God, I would buy the fuck out of a Fit SI. I say this as a current Fit owner...

Same. Took a trip to Europe in 2010, which increased my interest in Craft Beer exponentially. I've gained 30 lbs since then...

If beer is worse for you than vodka, I'll be dead by 40

Exactly. I'd rather eat what I want and live until I'm 50, than force myself to eat "healthy" food and exercise (and live until 80.)

This story needs moar Supra?

It would be as bad as the current Basketball games in the Olympics.
