
Reminds me of the Palm OS font.


When I was in Munich, all those straps were really nice pieces of leather. I thought that was really interesting.

I wouldn't say "never." Fantome and Cantillon use green bottles, and both make great beer.

The "Age" section isn't completely accurate. Age can have both positive and negative effects on beer.

Yeah, PS3 for me.


Holy shit, K-Pop in DC3? Fucking badass.

Don't forget, she's the wife of Leonidas...

Yep. Guess I'm out of touch. That sounds boring as fuck.

Scruffy. I saw him sweeping outside the con, a copy of Zero-G Juggs in his back pocket.

I feel like I'm out of touch with games sometimes. This game is absolutely horrible. How did it ever have that many users?!

I've seen Virgil at SDCC.

While I thought the plot of ASM was not as good as the original, the acting was so much better, far and away, that I feel it make up for it.

Curious to think why you thought ASM was a "travesty." I think the original Spider-Man movie is one of the best comic book movies period, and even I was impressed with ASM.

Hurrr durrr, Star Wars fans can't be sports fans durrrr

Except that as an adult, I scoff at the completely outrageous prices of Legos, despite my disposable income.

Yes, these things you say. I agree. Besides being smoking hot, I love it when a girl doesn't have to take her self so seriously. She looks like she is enjoying her dorky-self, and that's hotter than anything.

My thoughts exactly. She is still so hot.

Absolutely this. There are tons of events and parties in the Gaslamp for all five days. Very few actually require a badge. Honestly, it's fun just to sit on a patio and people watch. Especially during the zombie walk.