
It's hilariously sexist and unfair. Laugh and move on.

Yep, humor can be sexist and unfair. Did you have a point?

Have any Easter Lillies outside your house? They're extremely poisonous to cats.

Losing a pet is awful, sorry. Mine is black and white too, his name is Nibbler.

The one with a penis, obviously.

This entire show seems so last minute. It's just bad.

Yeah, cringe is the word. Ugh.

Trying to see a use for this that is compelling, but all I can come up with is, "Who gives a fuck?"

Isn't she Brazilian...?

You hit the nail on the head.

Maybe you should try and login right now, and tell us what you get? Or do you even have the game? Yeah, kay

the minions of hell grow stronger...

I feel like I don't even know what "alcoholic" means. Do you drink specifically to get drunk, every single day? I'm really in to craft beer, and I literally drink everyday. But I would say I get shitty drunk maybe... once a month?

The fact that it's not illegal outright in all states tells me that the law is a knee-jerk reaction in the first place. Some damn jogger could have ran in to that lady as she stepped out of the bus, and the same incident could have occurred. Same with rollerblading, skateboarding, riding a damn Razor scooter, etc.

"This one time I saw something happen, therefore it must always happen."

In a row?!

Your safety as what? A pedestrian? There's practically no different from me jogging on the sidewalk and me riding my bike on the sidewalk. I have these things called BRAKES. Hopefully, you have these things called EYES.

My safety > that law.

Fuck that. If there's a bike lane, I ride in the street. If there isn't, then I'm on the sidewalk. Why? Because I don't want to fucking die.

Is there a vid of this in action? It might have just been a mock-up.