Rob gets too much shit. The guy had a crazy exaggerated art style that really fit with the vibe of early 90's comics. Unfortunately for him (and completely unlike all other artists) his style never grew or progressed.
Rob gets too much shit. The guy had a crazy exaggerated art style that really fit with the vibe of early 90's comics. Unfortunately for him (and completely unlike all other artists) his style never grew or progressed.
Probably depends on where you live. I'm from San Diego, I'm white, and my wife is asian. There's a huge asian population here... we never get a second glance.
Man, it's like bizarro-Jezebel in here.
I think because it looks exactly like SSF4, we all expected it to be SSF4 with Tekken characters. After playing it at E3 and Comic-Con, that's obviously not the case. Also, since they've announced all the Gem stuff, I am less than interested in this game.
Reminds me of Yoshitaka Amano.
A perfect score would indicate that they have reached the pinnacle of game design, playability, effective story telling, and most importantly, fun.
Yeah, but they're not journalists. They're bloggers. They're allowed to be lazy and inaccurate.
Biiig bada-boom.
Actually, I had it wrong. Bud actually contains a different adjunct: RICE. My bad. Rice in a beer is still complete bullshit though...
Unfortunately, you think that "American Lager" means "shitty macro made with Corn and other adjuncts." Calling it shit isn't snobbery, it's reality.
Look at it this way, at least he's not one of the Red Sox "personalities" aka, he's not a complete dick. Gonzo is a pretty quiet, humble guy who happens to hit the ball really well.
"True Gundam Fan."
It's mad expensive there. And I live in San Diego, which is pretty fricking expensive as well.
Uh, Stan Lee? Stan Lee is the 80 year old creator (read: writer) of Marvel's most famous superheroes.
That's what my thought was. That'd be cool...
LUA is used a lot in the video game industry. It's fairly versatile, and incredibly easy to learn and use.
Awful officiating all around. That PI call on Gates TD? Lordy
Quit hatin'.
This is going to sound really odd, but I remember seeing the rain in NFL2K on the Dreamcast (which was basically the first of the "next-gen" football games) and just being astounded.